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Posts Tagged ‘database

database integration through Ruby on Rails

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Rails has the built in ability to connect to multiple databases.
Short story is, you define databases through the database.yml file, beyond development, test and production. You can define sets of development, test and production databases that connect to any of the supported DB clients provided with Rails.

There are ruby adaptors for all major databases. There’s even ODBC support provided to finish opening up the ability for the DBs to connect.

Couple this with the ability for an AR object to define its own database connection. Add the ability to define an inherited class for an AR model.. Add the ability to set the table name, primary key names to each model.

Finish it up with the rails console.

a smart DBA can really milk this

Written by Alfonso Adriasola

January 4, 2010 at 11:57 AM

Posted in ruby

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